ducks are not evil

as the spoon spins...

there are no spoons

Why are there no spoons in the USA? Sure, there are little wooden stirrers or tiny plastic straws, but these are not spoons. Coffee is just not coffee without a spoon. (It also needs a cup, not some damn plastic bucket, but that's another tirade.


I once received a 'spoon spin' submission via email. It's weird. It's curious. It's abstruse. It suits this site.

"my spooons to big.....My spoon is to big.........I said my spoons to big.....................................I AM A BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- spoonerella's buddy

I strongly encourage anyone with bizarre and pointless comments to email me and I will include what you have to say. If I end up getting too many for individual webpages, then I'll just make a 'weird stuff people have to say' webpage to stick them all in.

the divine spoon

This is the spoon. The Divine Spoon. This spoon was purchased for me for my birthday by a weird but very good friend of mine.

the spoon

We were sitting about in my favourite coffee shop, drinking coffee and playing Scrabble and I think my friend may have said something along the lines of 'what would you like for your birthday?' and I said 'that spoon there' (the one on the saucer with my coffee cup). 'That spoon there?' says friend...

"Yes, I want that spoon right there and no other." - me

We all have a giggle and go on playing Scrabble and I forget about the spoon.

Just before the end, my friend jumps up and goes to the counter. I have no idea why. And yet he comes back with a spoon, the spoon,The Divine Spoon. I still have it, unused and temple like among my books.

spin the spoon

Whilst this is a true story, you might find it a bit dissapointing. Or maybe you think you can be more surreal than the spoon spin already submitted... so if you'd like to make up your own story about the spoon then submit your spin on the spoon story.